New Artists
You’re like a shooting star. You’ll go so far!
We hope you’re as stoked about your new life and career as we are to help you launch it.
3–6 Month Internship
During the intro training program, you’ll be:
- Assisting senior stylists with shampoos, blowouts and other services. (You will be around seasoned pros who know their $#!+ so prepare to soak up all their knowledge.)
- Doing the grunt work like folding towels and sweeping up. (The sexy parts of the job come later.)
- Showing up PUMPED to take classes, learn something new every day, and push yourself to grow. (Debbie Downers— either change your ‘tude or fake it til you make it.)
Classes! Whaaat? I thought I was here for hands-on learning!
Oh, you will do both. Here’s what your WHOLE education looks like.
Technical and Soft-Skill Classes — Every Monday
These are taught by our in-house education team and senior stylists, or guest instructors. You will test out of these classes to advance in the program. Yes, we help you get models when you need them.)
(Some of) what you’ll learn:
- How to Have a Great Consultation. The success of any service begins and ends with this. It is super easy with some guests, but with others—oof. We have many ways to help you connect with the Oof clients, and we share those with you.
- Technical Skills. You’ll learn how to perform the services high-end clients demand, and how to do them impeccably.
- Educating Guests. If your guest’s hair only looks great the day of their appointment, you will have failed them. It’s on you to teach them the right products, tools and techniques so they can reproduce their look and brag about you every time they get compliments, which (if you do your job correctly) will be ALL THE TIME. We show you how to teach every guest, even the ones who can’t even hold a brush right.
OMG, that sounds like a lot. Will I get paid for all this?
Yes! While an Intern, you’ll get training pay (minimum wage) every day you attend class, and 10.00 plus gratuities and a fee for when assisting.
Once you start taking on guests as a new artist, you will earn $10/hr plus gratuities until you move to a higher pay scale via commissions. While you’re learning, whatever makes you more money (commission or training pay) is what you get until it’s all commi$$ion, all the time.
Okay, I think I can do this. What’s the most important thing I need to make it through my internship?
Great question! It’s:
- Attitude
- Attitude
- Attitude
- and finally a great, positive, growth-oriented, can-do ATTITUDE
Ready to climb on board?